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ARC Review: Faking It

Middle aged woman finds herself - and lost me on the way.

Honestly, there wasn't one thing I liked about this book. Not the theme, not the pace, not the characters, not the fluff and not the plot.

👎 What I Disliked 👎

Theme: The middle aged mother who finds herself and her sexuality while still being the perfect mother... Yawn. Haven't we seen that trope before?

Pace: The beginning was dreadfully slow. I was tempted to DNF it multiple times because it just didn't pick up.

Characters: There were hardly any memorable characters except for the main character, Hannah. And she only sticks out for the wrong reasons. I really disliked her inability to see herself as a sexual being as well as a mother. To me that notion is horrible outdated and needs to be dispelled, not elaborated upon.

Fluff: There were just too many unnecessary fluff scenes that didn't move along the story or the plot. If you cut all of those, you would end up with a book half as long.

Plot: I would have liked this story so much more, if all of the Mother-Hannah had been cut away and the sole focus had been on Hannah becoming her alter-ego, Twinky.

Twinky: Now that we're on the subject - I hated the pseudonym Twinky. I simply couldn't take it seriously. It was so obviously a pseudonym.


ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review


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