Even though this book fell a bit short, I still love this series.
This was still a good read, no doubt about it! It just didn't live up to the standart of the rest of the series. The chemistry of the two MC's didn't jump off the pages and the male lead Thorn let me down. However, I loved how the plot thickened and I am still very excited for the last in this series about Sheridan!
"At some point, Thorn, you simply have to
trust a person to do what they promise."
- Gwyn
👍 What I Liked 👍
Plot: The siblings are delving deeper in the mysterious deaths of their fathers. I really liked how the plot slowly unraveled and still didn't offer any real leads. I was really drawn into the mystery and much as I tried, I couldn't figure it out (not yet anyway) so I am very much looking forward to the big reveal in the next book.
Olivia: Many Historical Romances have nerdy heroines who prefer books to social encounters. Olivia was, in that sense, not any different. Still, I liked how her nerdiness deviated from many others because it was more scientific and professional. She studied chemistry, wanted to experiment and publish her findings and even dreamed of making it a way of life. I particularly liked that she wanted to be a self-made woman.
👎 What I Disliked 👎
Thorn: There was just something about Thorn that I couldn't like. I didn't get his motivations - I didn't understand why he was so guarded and cynical. Nine years before the events of this book, Olivia and Thorn are caught in a compromising embrace and he reluctantly proposes to her. When she refuses, in stead of being relieved, Thorn turns around and becomes angry, acting in a much childish and petulant way. I really didn't understand this side of his personality and it was very unattractive.
Chemistry: Olivia and Thorn have a second-chance love, which is something I usually enjoy. However, I just couldn't feel the chemistry between these two. I didn't feel their romance, I couldn't get into it. Probably because I didn't really like Thorn...
Read it if you like: Second chance romance, women in science, murder mysteries
ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review