Deep, historical romance focused on mental health.
Now. I read a lot of Historical Romance okay. Like. A lot. So I think I am allowed to say that often, HR isn't all that deep. It's a lot of romance (maybe even some erotica) perhaps a bad childhood or two. But never before have I read an HR novel that featured mental health so prominently. And I loved it. I myself suffer from depression and anxiety. Mental health is underrepresented in most genres, so it was nice to see it spotlighted in HR.
👍 What I Liked 👍
Mark: When you suffer from mental health problems, all you really want is for someone to accept you as you are. Not someone who tries to fix you or cure you - just someone who accepts your good as well as your difficult sides. Mark was just such a man. Gentle, understanding, caring and supportive. Perfect hero for this book.
Beryl: Like I said earlier on, I myself have mental health issues and I actually saw a lot of myself in Beryl. She tried so hard to be 'right', to be what she thought everyone wanted her to be. I related to her and her struggles and I think many others, who suffer from mental health issues will be able to do the same.
Mental health: We need more focus on mental health in all genres and I sincerely hope this catches on in more HR novels. It gave the genre a new depth that I had been longing for.
Read it if you like: mental health issues, supportive heroes, clean historial romance
ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review